Degenerative Disc Disease

What is degenerative disc disease?

Degenerative disc disease is a common, age-related condition that occurs when one or more of your vertebral discs––cushion-like rings that provide support for your vertebrae––breakdown and deteriorate. Ultimately, this causes pain, numbness, and weakness that radiates down your spinal column and into your legs. 

Contrary to popular belief, degenerative disc disease isn’t an illness. Instead, it’s a result of the natural aging process. As you get older, your rubbery vertebral discs wear down and dry out. This makes them less efficient, increasing your risk of back pain.

What are the symptoms of degenerative disc disease?

The symptoms of degenerative disc disease vary from person to person and depend on the severity of the condition itself. Many people don’t experience any symptoms at first. However, as disc degeneration increases, telltale signs include:

  • Back pain
  • Weakness
  • Numbness
  • Tingling sensations
  • Lower leg pain
  • Thigh pain 

If you have disc degeneration in your neck or cervical spine, you might also experience pain in your shoulders, neck, or arms. 

As degenerative disc disease gets worse, it’s common to experience pain during physical activity, such as walking, lifting, or twisting. 

Who is at risk of degenerative disc disease?

Anyone can experience degenerative disc disease, but it’s particularly common in older individuals, especially those over the age of 60. Other risk factors include:

  • Being overweight
  • Smoking tobacco 
  • Suffering an acute sport or work-related injury

You’re also more likely to develop degenerative disc disease if you work a physically demanding job such as construction or landscaping. 

How is degenerative disc disease diagnosed?

To diagnose degenerative disc disease, your Athens Spine Center provider conducts a physical exam and reviews your medical history. Your provider asks you questions about where the pain occurs, if there’s tingling or numbness, and which activities cause the most pain. 

Your provider also conducts a series of in-office tests to measure your muscle strength and nerve function. They might order a computed tomography (CT) scan, MRI, or discogram. During a discogram, your provider injects a dye into the soft center of a disc. The dye shows up on a CT scan or X-ray, allowing your provider to make a proper diagnosis.

How is degenerative disc disease treated?

The team at Athens Spine Center usually recommends conservative, noninvasive measures to relieve pain caused by degenerative disc disease. They might recommend rest and physical therapy, taking over-the-counter painkillers, or a series of facet joint injections. If your pain persists or gets worse, surgical intervention may be necessary.

To learn more about the treatment options for degenerative disc disease, schedule an appointment at Athens Spine Center by calling the office today.

Degenerative Disc Disease Videos

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